
Like a phoenix..

“so find even the smallest spark in a mound of ash
and set the fire
again.. and again.. "

As you will notice I love quotes. So there is always one - beginning each of my posts. I hope that you will also find it interesting and stimulating :)
It also happens sometimes that my posts are not about decoupage but more about life and love and happiness etc.. So be prepared for those too ;)

But for now let me tell you something more about me, my friends and our decoupage.
I decided to show you today the business cards boxes, which I made for some of my friends (who need and use those) A small but very useful item and a perfect gift I dare say.
I think that it is important, for every businessman or businesswoman, to identify with and share with others their trademarks, brand colors and motives, graphic logo etc. A personalized business cards box seems like a wonderful attribute.

Arcadius Mauritz – Fine Arts Photographer

Basia Olejniczak – Glam Gowns Designer

Monika Butryn – Style Consultant  and Make-up Artist

Ewa Szabatin – Fashion Designer